Blog Posts

My journey as a tech associate in GovTech SIOT

1 October 2020

Today is my official 2nd year anniversary of working at GovTech! Time really flies, and I wanted to document this journey before I forget all the things I’ve done and learnt in these 2 years.

I made a (totally useless, extremely frustrating and weirdly fun) thing

18 June 2019

The first time I saw a video of a LED cube, I knew I had to make one for myself. It’s colourful, geometrically pleasing and custom-animate-able, ie. totally my kind of thing.

I graduated!!

20 October 2018

grad gif

Making Maps - Education as a social leveller?

28 April 2018

This term, I took Making Maps I, a really cool module on spatial analysis and data visualization in SUTD. It's a HASS (humanities, art and social sciences) mod, which are usually all readings/ discussions/ essays, but this one had lots of hands-on labs, working with QGIS and R to produce maps and various kinds of charts!

JSConf Asia 2018 - my first conference!

27 January 2018

So I just spent the past three days skipping school attending my first ever conference! I was given the chance to go for JSConf Asia, which had two days of talks plus a workshop day, all about JavaScript.

Exploring CSS Grid

21 December 2017

I first heard about the CSS grid layout module from this presentation and was really mindblown! While learning CSS and building web pages, I've often been confused and annoyed by how complicated it is to lay out everything where I want it to be. (Flexbox, floats and clearfix, I'm looking at you!!)

Startathon - Project Vigilance

25 October 2017

Somehow in my two years in SUTD I’d only ever gone for a hackathon once (and it was not a tech one but one on social entrepreneurship), so when a friend asked me to join him for #startathon I immediately agreed.

Little did I know that I’d injure my knee just a few days before the event and end up on crutches the whole time…